Last year I planned a dress down day for CHERUBS at my school and it was very successful!

I'm pleased to announced that our dress down day for CHERUBS is this Friday, January 22nd!

Everyone can dress down and in exchange for wearing their comfy jeans will donate a minimum of $3 to CHERUBS! I sent an email with a short version of Braden's story and explained CDH to the faculty and staff. I'm also using my CDH Awareness Kit to give all the teachers in my department a button and a bracelet to wear on Friday. Yeah! I can't wait! I'll even get to educate lots of teenagers when the ask me what the ribbon means on my shirt. Very cool.

This is an EASY way to help raise CDH awareness and funds so if your office / school etc. has casual Friday or dress down day please consider doing this at your work place. CHERUBS is now on the calendar at my school so I don't even have to ask anymore. The second Friday every January will be reserved for CHERUBS. Try it!