Alex's surgery yesterday was a success and turned out to be a lot simpler/quicker than the doctors anticipated. They were in and out in under 90 minutes. Apparently, the reason her left lung looked "whited out" on the xray was not fluid in the lung but a baseball sized cyst attached to, guess what, her diaphragm. It had folded up on itself like the unzipped wall/door of a tent, and as soon as the surgeon popped it, he was able to unfold the complete diaphragm and stitch it up without needing gore-tex! Weird. The cyst had pushed her stomach, intestines and liver back down through the gap so everything was already in place. Surgeon said he'd never seen anything quite like it.

She's needing lots more morphine/versed today for pain (expected) and may need another chest tube to keep the lung clear (also expected) but overall she looks GREAT considering what she's been through.

Thanks to everyone for your continued support.