Hi All,

Bear with me please, crazy week around here and I'm behind on responding to posts. Between all this event stuff and the boys having 5 baseball games this week (was 3 but they made it into the championship) and Craig in a golf tournament, not to mention several work projects and regular CHERUBS stuff.... it's a zoo here. I need to take some vacation days just to catch up on CHERUBS regular stuff.

Ok.... let's see... so much to respond to!!

Judi and Barb - your dresses sound beautiful, I can't wait to see you in them!

Judi - we have a bakery donating a cake for the Angel Ball and I think Penny's found one for the conference... but thank you so much anyway! I wouldn't mind doing the tasting errands... already have 20 places to run to for event stuff, what's one more?

Penny (and anyone local) - are you available to meet in Durham a week from Monday?

I haven't tried Craigslist but have looked at Ebay. Had to get a new Ebay identity since I was stalked there too and now I can't remember what it was so have to figure that out before I buy anything there again. But I looked a few months ago and they had some really nice dresses for good prices there.

I'm sure I'm missing a response to something???