Penny, you can do it!!! You come down here on a Saturday or Sunday and we'll go shopping together! There's a great discount shop in Hillsboro - dresses under $100. Once we find you a dress, then you'll be excited to wear it! Or wear a fancy white pantsuit if you want. Day of the Angel Ball, we'll all get ready at the hotel together and it will be a blast.

Speaking of all that - looking for hairdressers who will come. What do you all think if I get students? They need to practice as part of their class and they don't charge much at all. If they aren't doing any cutting or dying... they can't mess us up! We can always wash it and do it over. I've gone to the local college and had my hair dyed, bleached and frosted more than once and they always do much better than the expensive salons and for a tenth of the cost. I went to expensive salons 3 times this year - wasn't happy with 2 of them and the one I liked went out of business. Tried the college and am happy every time I go there. They try harder to make you happy. And manicures for $2 and pedicures for $3... love that! Anyway, so I was going to see if we could get a couple of the girls from the school to come up to Raleigh for us.