Admitting a goofy issue I have.....

I always wanted to wear a red dress to my senior prom. Long story to short - my mom found a blue one on sale and that's what I wore. For *years* I dreamt about trying to find a red dress for a dance. In these dreams I went through bridal shops, departments stores, flea markets, swam across ponds to get to stores..... yeah, I probably should have all that analyzed. LOL. So I finally went out and bought a red dress 7 or 8 years ago and the dreams stopped. Until I quit smoking and gained 30+ lbs and didn't fit into the dress that was in my closet and the dreams started again. Went out and bought another red dress (which I love and wore to a formal Christmas party this year).

Now guess what? Same dream, white dress. Almost every night this week. I'm going to have to go buy one fairly soon and get it so it can be altered if I lose weight. I can't take 7 months of a white dress nightmare!

Yes, I know I'm strange. LOL. Just thought I'd share this, not even sure why!