After I saw the voting, I thought the same thing, Kath! It didn't occur to me until then.... don't know what I was thinking! But you know what... Kays Kids is named Real Hope For CDH... long before BoH existed. And there are 3 other non-profits named Breath of Hope (before the CDH BoH group was formed) and 2 other CDH groups who use Hope in their name / slogan.

She has no legal claim to the word "Hope". We can't tiptoe around every vocabulary word afraid to set off 1 woman. Besides, no matter what we say or do, she'll complain, criticize or file a false report with an agency about anyway. All we can do is keep our heads up, know we're doing nothing wrong and keep working to help CDH families. And if she says a word, we'll just let our lawyers deal with it.

So if that's what our members vote for, then I think we should use it.