Well, this is the last morning - so sad it is over so soon. It has been wonderful. I really enjoyed the guest presenters (always love them at the Australian forum's as well) and everyone has been amazing - so glad I got to meet them all.

Shaz, Penny has been trying to teach me how to speak Southern (she does it so well, lol) but I really suck at it, hehehe. Got the y'all down though I have taught her how to say G'day mate (she is really good - most of the time!) and how to say Aussie properly.

It's been so good to talk to Dawn and Brenda (UK CHERUBS). To meet them both after so many years is wonderful but also so helpful to share ideas etc.

The kids are all great

Margaret, I will definitely need a holiday when I get home, lol.

I could go on about everyone but have to be downstairs in 20 mins so had better go finish getting ready. You will all here more in the coming days from everyone I am sure