Hi all...Dawn I talked with you through FB about the Jewelry I make an donating some pieces..I would love to do a basket as well in memory of Cluade, with jewelry and other things..
can you please let me know where to send the basket, when it needs to be there by, and if its ok if I send some other pieces of jewelry ( adults and childrens) not for the basket but, for ya'll to auction off when you need extra items?
I also maybe able to do a basket with a piece of diamond jewelry if you think it would bring decent money..I have some beautiful antique pieces and some antique reproduction pieces. That I think are beautiful. Could you put a reserve on it for the ebay auction?

Ooohh..I'm on a roll now, I also have some great antique gold baby pins, and baby pearl necklaces with 14k clasp..I may have to do a couple of baskets...
I just need to think of things to put in there with the pieces of jewerly..

Ohhh..I could even do a fund raiser fom my website and give a good percentage of the sales to cherubs (people could put CDH as a code when they order) what are ya'lls thopughts on that ? if anyone wants to go check my website out and see if you think its something that would work as a online fundraiser...www.lillybeckoriginals.com....

cant wait to get started on the baskets..help me with ideas and if ya'll think a basket with diamond piece of jewerly in it would work?? and the online fundraiser, Dawn is that something that is doable?

Sorry I tend to ramble...LOL deAnn