We went last year to the conference (San Antonio). We paid for the trip, but were reimbursed by the Oklahoma Developmental Disabilities Services Division.

They did require that we do pay for a portion of the trip (we paid for hotel), but we were reimbursed for mileage/gas, food, etc... We did have a very thorough application to fill out, and there was an application deadline. They pay for parents to attend conferences every two years, so this year we will not qualify.

The division provides this in hopes that parents will gain more information to benefit your disabled child. I am sure if Oklahoma has this service, many other states have similar programs through various state agencies. We would have never known about this service, if it were not for a friend who also has a disabled child! You definately have to do a lot of digging, to find various programs such as this but they are out there!

Dawn.... do you know of any Federal programs?