Tracy, yes please add you and Karla to the committee!!!

Ok.... we have to stick to these...

* Near a hospital with a PICU / NICU (as in within 10 minutes by ambulance)

* Not at a high altitude (that takes out Colorado, Wyoming, Tennessee and a lot of other states. I know some cherubs who live there can handle the altitudes but a lot can't and we don't want to take a gamble with any of the visiting cherubs' lungs!)

* Clean, non-smoking, no pet rooms (in other words - allergens free!)

* Free breakfast (we are all about saving families $$$$$ rather than going to fancy hotels or nicer hotels without food. TX was a mistake on breakfast).

* Affordable conference rooms (we need 2 rooms - 1 for the conference, 1 for the kids. Are they going to let us eat in there? Will they make us buy pizza from them instead of letting us bring it in?)

* Free parking (a must)

* In a tourist area with things to do near the hotel for families (key word... FAMILIES. That means LOTS to do, not 1 or 2 things. Families have afternoons free to sight see... no one wants to be bored half the day because there is nothing to do. And we need AFFORDABLE stuff too!)

* In a family friendly area (safe neighborhood, safe city, etc - that leaves out Baltimore and Pittsburgh. haha. Kidding! Well, half kidding, I'm from Maryland, I know Baltimore. The last thing we want is families afraid to leave the hotel!)

* Hotel rooms under $100 a night (non-negotiable. The economy is bad, people are on budgets. Getting CDH info and support should not be a huge financial burden if we can help it).

* Near an airport (preferably with a shuttle to the hotel).