Ooooo - yeah, Chuck and I really wanted to go to this years Apraxia Conference (neurological speech disorder that Adam has). It was in Pittsburgh so that would only be 2 1/2 hours away for us. Turns out they wanted about $200 a night at a swanky hotel plus parking fee. There was a gosh awful seminar fee of around $100 a person. Yep, not per couple, but per person. They required you to have materials for the conference and that was an additional fee. Each person had to have it. Couples could not share. There was no child care and children were not permitted in the conference room at all for any reason. Roundtable discussions were done at a dinner that you had to pay for on your own. It wasn't cheap!

It was just ridiculous all the fees involved and regulations! There was no way we were going to that! You know what . . . . it really made me appreciate even more all the hard Dawn puts into our conferences and how she strives to keep the cost down for members. Let's be more appreciative!