Tracy - looking forward to seeing the article! How exciting!

Yes, there was a baby in our NICU also with Gastroschsis who was only in the high level NICU for about 2 weeks and then was gone by 4 weeks. She seemed to recover very well from her series of surgeries. She certainly didn't look too good for a while there but seemed to recover pretty quickly. Especially compared to Andrew who was literally in critical condition for like 6 weeks straight!! Also kind of funny - one of my sister's friends had a baby born with this as well just before Andrew and her her baby recovered very quickly too. When Andrew was born with CDH, she thought it was something similar and told me how quickly Andrew would get better and that Gastroschsis was kind of a "sister" defect to CDH. This was before we knew too much about CDH. Well, we quickly found out she was TOTALLY wrong!