We have 1000's of items for sale here!


All the cherubs logo characters you see all over site have names. We created over 100 of them so that each of our real cherubs have at least one character that resembles them. Each of our cherubs logo characters have over 50 items with their cute little faces on them! You can buy a whole wardrobe with a cherub that looks like your cherub!

We have our wonderful "Stories of Cherubs" book at cafepress.

We have sweatshirts, t-shirts, bibs, onesies, bumper stickers, hats, shorts, tank tops, aprons, journals, totebags, clocks, teddy bears, tiles, mugs, ornaments and so very much more!

COMING SOON - Maternity clothes! Holiday cherubs items for every holiday! More traditional angel and cherub items.

There is no overhead for us besides a small annual subscription fee. Profits from each purchase in our store come directly to us to do things like keep this site up, print materials, postage, phone, conferences and much more.