Hi Sara - We FB met and I know you are preparing for surgery soon. I was diagnosed at 47 (after being hospitalized for the 10th time with pneumonia), but did not have the repair surgery until I was 53 (two years ago in 2016). I am 55 now. I might not be a wealth of information, but I can possibly tell you what to expect and answer questions since I just went through it. I am in Atlanta and my surgeon is a thoracic specialist. He never told me how many surgeries he had completed successfully and repaired CDH's, but had a confidence about him. My family and I researched everything we could find on him. He was the only one in our general area that was labeled the best and referred by my lung doctor (who I adore). It took two months from the time I saw him until I had the surgery. I had to have weeks and weeks of testing and barium CT's, echos, nuclear stress test. Dr. K wanted to attempt the Davinci surgery and I signed on the dotted line. Davinci was a no go after he had the instruments in place because I had too much small bowel in my chest. So, it ended up as an open surgery. I was able to come off the vent fairly easily after being on O2 for an extended time. I was told to expect to be on the vent a few days and that didn't happen. I was also told to expect two days in ICU and two days in a regular room, but that didn't happen either. I was home in two days, no ICU. Blessings! I stayed on O2 for a few months after my surgery until my right lung expanded and I got happy numbers. I feel really good today. A few helpful hints before you have surgery...have a great recliner in your home that you can sleep in, laying down is tough. I bought an incline pillow form and that helped after two weeks in the recliner. The more you move after your surgery the better, truly. I am on FB, so please feel free to message me. I will pray for health and a speedy recovery for you!