CDH Patient Registry General Statistics General Info

Welcome to the CDH Patient Registry

CDH Research Patient Registry is a joint effort between CDH Patient Registry, DHREAMS and the CDH Study Group.
If you have access, you may participate by filling out the Patient Registry questionnaire at
If you do not have access, or wish to get access, please click on "Participation" to the left.


You must be a member of CDH Patient Registry; patient must be a non-survivor or a survivor over 1 year of age. Sign up for free at CDH BOARDS .
After you have joined, please e-mail to gain access to the research survey.


Data is tabulated and published in real time and readily available for patients, families and researchers for informational purposes. It may not be republished without express written permission by CDH Patient Registry.


E-mail for questions, concerns, publication or research collaborations.

Forum Registrations